The production of high quality lace is the Company’s core business, as well as being the original point of departure for the extraordinary adventure of Umbria entrepreneur Arnaldo Caprai.
The objective continues to be to apply a production philosophy of quality and "Made in Italy" through constant and meticulous research and the diffusion of textile culture and tradition, of which the Company has always been an exponent

The path that leads from the design of the articles to production and making up is marked by several steps that, taken together, form an integrated textile production process, entirely and proudly Made in Italy since 1955. An exciting path on which the craftsmanship and passion animating the minds and hands of the Company’s expert teams are plain to see.

Drawing on its creativity, experience and professionalism, Arnaldo Caprai is able to develop a wide range of custom-made products, just like master craftsmen in former ages.

The Company’s entire production process take place in the Group’s facilities in Italy to guarantee tight control over every single phase and sensitive pricing of individual products.

Further, being able to trace a product’s identity back to its origin enabled Arnaldo Caprai to be one of the first companies to gain "TF- Traceability & Fashion" certification, the traceability mark of Italian Textile Fashion (a system promoted by Italy’s Chambers of Commerce to strengthen the Italian fashion industry by ensuring transparent information for end consumers).
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© 2025 Arnaldo Caprai Gruppo Tessile Srl